"Goodness, Knowledge, Self-Discipline...Teach Me O' Lord"
Fr. Robert D. Goodill
Sacraments are the focus of the fifth grade religion curriculum. In the studying of the Sacraments students are taught to see God’s grace, which is His life and love that is shared with us, and therefore celebrate a faith relationship with Him. We learn about God’s story of creation, the mystery of evil and how God destroys evil. Our covenant with the Lord is to listen to God’s Word and obey His law. By doing this, our Lord promises to be with us always. All students participate in school-wide liturgies as lectors and gift bearers during Mass while some also participate in our music ministry. The Diocese of Erie Chastity Program is introduced in fifth grade.
Fifth grade students use the Journeys reading series which focuses on the Common Core State Standards. Students will focus on developing vocabulary, analyzing the text and learning different genres. Many skills such as theme, compare & contrast and cause & effect will be re-enforced frequently.
In English, the focus is on all parts of grammar using Voyages in English and students spend time practicing and perfecting their writing skills through a variety of writing projects.
The fifth grade math program presents work in the four basic operations using whole numbers, fractions and decimals. Problem solving skills and strategies are presented and practiced throughout the year. The use of manipulatives offers hands-on experiences.
Fifth grade social studies focuses on Ancient Civilizations and regions of the world. Students look in depth at ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, India, China, Greece and Rome. The children will learn about the geography, economies, history and important people associated with each civilization.
Fifth graders work with the Science Fusion textbook series. This is a write-in book which allows students to learn through constant hands-on interaction. The series follows the necessary standards such as building inquiry, STEM and 21st century skills. This promotes a student-centered approach for learning vocabulary, science concepts while incorporating math and writing in each lesson. Students will also participate in many different labs.
All students will conduct a science experiment and participate in the fifth and sixth grade Science Fair.