"Goodness, Knowledge, Self-Discipline...Teach Me O' Lord"
Fr. Robert D. Goodill
Readiness for kindergarten is different for each child. Academic readiness is knowledge of letters, sounds and numbers. School readiness is the ability to attend to tasks for a specific period of time, to work independently and in small groups, to get along easily with others, to follow directions with some accuracy, etc. The readiness is developmental in nature and cannot be taught. It can be modeled and encouraged, but in the end, it happens to most children when they are ready. The all-day program is developmentally appropriate while preparing students for first grade. The program is a reflection of developmental philosophies.
We judge the value of play more by its process than by its results. Learning to be a good loser and a fair opponent is useful; learning to cooperate for a common goal is important. Our program provides a child-centered experience designated to excite young children as they enter the wonderful world of education.
· Morning Work: manipulatives, a project, journaling, or a review
· Opening Exercise: prayer, the Pledge of Allegiance, calendar activities, special news, math patterning, reading, etc.
·Religion: we learn about our faith through bible stories and activities with the We Believe series
· Language: SUPERKIDS™ program integrating letter recognition and sounds, sight words, phonemic awareness, and literacy elements on a particular theme involving many curricular areas. The Secret Stories and the Heggerty series are also used
· Math: The Reveal program features number recognition and number sense, qualifying vocabulary, measurement, 2-D and 3-D shapes, patterning, simple addition and subtraction, money recognition and time to the hour and ½ hour
·Outdoor Play: develops fine and gross motor skills, socialization, and creativity
·Unit Theme: found in both science and social studies. In science, we experience the five senses, seasons, living and non-living things, nutrition, good health habits and plants. In social studies, we learn about self-worth, families, neighborhoods, special Americans, community helpers, and holidays. Scholastic Weekly Readers are featured with both subjects
·Games, music and musical activities: gross motor skills, following directions and listening are emphasized
·Special Instruction in Art, Music, Physical Education, Library and Technology
·All students attend our student Liturgy on Holy Days