The St. Luke School PTO is a group of dedicated parent volunteers who spend a lot of time and effort focusing on the life of our school. We devote our efforts on helping to make our school be as strong as possible for the students, teachers and families. We organize different yearly events that help to finance our "mini grant" programs for classrooms, scholarships for our children that will be furthering their education at a Catholic high school and making donations towards various school projects.

2024-2025 Board Members

President: Rebecca Stanopiewicz (email)

Treasurer: Stacey Matczak (email)

Secretary: Kelly Petroff (email)

Parent/Teacher Liaison: Rebecca Stanopiewicz (email)

Three children pose in front of a sign that says let 's glow

Links & Files

Meeting Schedule & Minutes

Our meetings are the first Tuesday of every month, in the SLS Library, at 6:00pm. The meetings are open to the public and you do not have to be on a committee to attend.

August 14- MINUTES                              February 6- MINUTES

September 5- MINUTES                           March 5- MINUTES

October 3 - MINUTES                              April 9- MINUTES

November 7- MINUTES                            May 7- MINUTES

December 5- MINUTES                            June 4- MINUTES               


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